your result: Intermediate

What Does Your Score Mean?

Your organization has made some strides to modernize your technology stack. You likely have an operations or IT team devoted to scoping and discovering new solutions to help your brand streamline and upgrade processes. Still, these individuals might face barriers to aligning their efforts with other departments. Your brand recognizes digital as a strategic priority, but the return on your efforts is dampened by inconsistent execution.

What Can You Do Today?

What Can You Do Today?

Resources for You

Here are a few educational resources and brand success stories to get you inspired.

The Top B2B Commerce Suite Providers

Forrester Analyst, Joe Cicman discusses small shifts companies can make to evolve into using the right B2B commerce tool.

The Modern Sales Rep Goes Digital

Close to 50% of retailers say they are willing to cut ties with a brand due to poor customer experience. Here are proactive steps to going digital without too much hassle.

The Future of Wholesale Report

Nearly 700 brands were surveyed to see what the future of wholesale looks like in terms of retail partnerships, distribution processes and future outlook.

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